Victims Katie, Kara and Erin Eastburn Thank goodness for online television viewing because I missed this episode of 20/20 which aired a few weeks back, dealing with the seemingly improbable legal case of Tim Hennis. I have kept up with much of the Hennis case, involving the brutal 1985 murders of Katie Eastburn and two of her daughters, Kara and Erin. I read the excellently written book Innocent Victims by Scott Whisnant. I watched the well done television movie of the same name. I found the 20/20 segment to be very well done, presenting as much of the overwhelming amount of evidence as possible within the forty or so minutes allowed. Particularly heartbreaking were the emotional interviews with the victims' husband and father, Gary Eastburn, and the surviving Eastburn child, Jana, who was less than two years old at the time of the murders. 20/20 also interviewed author Scott Whisnant, who continues to hold firm to his belief that Tim Henni...
Achieving oblivion to pain, worry and the external world one t.v. show at a time