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True Blood Season Finale!

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Sam is unhinged, Jessica and Hoyt are shacking up, Terry is emotional, Lafayette is hallucinating, Jesus is a witch, Russell is in deep shit, Jason continues to be gullible, Tara cut her hair, Eric and Pam continue to be badasses, Bill is good, no Bill is bad, no, Bill is good and Sookie is glittery.

And that pretty much sums up how season three ended.  I, for one, was somewhat disappointed.  It's the season finale, people.  It should blow me away, make me frustrated at the thought of waiting another six months or so for the next season.  And yet . . . I am underwhelmed. 

First, I am over Tara.  In a major way.  Girlfriend needs therapy at least as far as her choices with boyfriends go.  And heck, friends too.  Don't forget, she hooked up with Mary Anne and brought that crazy bitch into Sookie's home and has yet to truly apologize to Sookie for the total trash job on Gran's house.  Unforgivable!  Her new haircut is cute although all I could think of was that I hoped she cleaned that hair up from Sookie's bathroom.

Jason is a male bimbo and I will always love him for that but I am not feeling this Crystal thing.  Don't like her, never will.  And the werepanther thing?  Don't care.  Show me an episode with nothing but a shirtless Jason washing the cop cars and I'm good but enough with the white trash werepanther crackheads, please.

Sam has done a complete 180 from last season - - but I like it.  Who would have guessed that prior to Merlotte's he was a cold blooded con man?  Did he really shoot Tommy?  I'm thinking he did, but maybe in the ass?  Who knows - - could have been a warning shot, could have been a shot to the head.  We just don't know with Sam these days, and that keeps him interesting.  Far more interesting than Bill anyhow.

I continue to adore Terry for the emotional mess he is.  Arlene is lucky to have him.

I used to like Bill . . . well, back in Season One.  I almost wish Alan Ball would make Bill go to the dark side and stay there because he's dangerously close to being mind numbingly boring at all times (the cardinal sin of t.v.)  I'm glad that "SooooookEH" found out about Bill's dirty little secrets but the back and forth ("I love you!  I hate you, Bill Compton!") every season is exhausting.  I did, however, thoroughly enjoy the eyefucking that went on between Bill and Alcide, as Eric pointed out.  Reminded me of Eric and Bill's shopping trip to WalMart earlier, to buy Jessica appropriate clothes.  Good times. 

Thank God for Jessica and Hoyt because they keep the show interesting and fun.  I'm guessing the freaky doll lying on the floor of the house is a sign that Jessica and Hoyt aren't going to be the Cleavers or anything. 
Has Bill spent more than ten minutes with Jessica this season?  As she said before, Bill is the worst maker ever.

Russell was funny, even though he looked as though he had been stuck in the toaster indefinitely.  I knew Eric wouldn't be burned to (true) death but I thought maybe Russell might go.  I'm sure he will be back, and thoroughly pissed.  At Bill, at Eric and especially at Sookie for pouring Talbot down the disposal.  Which act, by the way, Sookie acted more passionate and excited about than practically anything this season.

Eric continues to be my favorite vamp.  He and Pam are priceless together.  I am sure that Eric will be none too happy to realize that Bill ordered Pam eliminated.  And I do think Eric was being truthful at upsetting Sookie, although no idea why he is so fascinated with her. 

Don't care about Queen Sophie Anne, never have and never will.  She can leave now.

I actually liked Sookie for this episode because she wasn't a whiny, helpless, spineless twit.  Girlfriend actually had some balls and wasn't afraid to use them. Although I must admit that I really didn't understand what happened when she joined the fairy convention and "bright light! bright light!"  Was she zapped into an alternate reality?  Is she in acting school?  Will she come back cured of her Bill fixation? 

I suppose we will have to wait until next season to find out.  What do you think?  A season finale of win or fail? 

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