I hate the winter hiatus when it comes to television shows. Especially the shows that go on hiatus in November. Really, shows? Why can't they manage to turn out enough shows to run up until Christmas week and then come back the week of or after New Year? They are off all summer, for heaven's sake.
Anyhow, with the majority of my shows being, well, no-shows until January (or longer and yes, I'm looking at you, True Blood, Sons of Anarchy, and The Closer), I have reconnected with Facebook. And am developing a dangerous obsession that could be bordering on intervention.
It's not just checking out the live news wire to see what your friends are up to. Sure, that's interesting and it's a lot quicker than making a phone call but I'm talking about the games.
It started with YoVille. I began playing YoVille because it was somewhat similar to The SIms. I was only going to play YoVille - - but then a friend invited me to Island Paradise and well, that looked pretty cool, so why not? Next thing I know, I'm getting invites to Cafe World, Farmville, Farm Town, Petville and Happy Island. All of which I now actively play.
Is it bad when you're scheduling your day around when you need to take your angel food cake out of the ovens at the YoVille Sweet Factory? Or when you're upset because you forgot to put your Petville pet into her nightshirt before you went to sleep at night? Or getting pissed because a glitch in the Cafe World system caused the 1,000 servings of ham you had prepared to disappear? Or dragging your net book to bed, telling your husband "Just a minute . . . I have to harvest my crops."
What do you think? Facebook or Crackbook?
LOL "I have to harvest my crops" too funny!